School Board District, Downers Grove, Illinois, #58, United States
Open, honest communication throughout the entire system. Making sure those who need and want pertinent information are able to get it and understand it. Validating one another's viewpoints.
Each child forms their own identity based on what they see as a reflection of themselves and their family in their own community. If they don't see themselves, they feel invisible and ignored.
LRC Teachers are vital to each school. Each student and teacher relies on the LRC for resources, best practices, SEL support, and learning lifelong skills , including inquiry and research.
Art Education
We cannot decrease art ANYMORE in this district. The effects of creating and processing art are too important to brain development and overall individual growth of each student.
The state still owes us money due to their inability to pass their budget. We must continue to make informed decisions by prioritizing and weighing what is best for students and teachers.
District #58 is in dire need of updated curriculum in math and reading. SEL is solid and necessary. STEM/STEAM needs to be current with what is happening in the world.